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Let Me Introduce Myself...

  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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17 febbraio 2011 4 17 /02 /febbraio /2011 15:06

Here I am: I've been so busy in the last days that I almost forgot my good blog! That was a pity because writing here is like a source of fresh air for me as this is a private space far from ordinary work and daily troubles. So I missed it very much.

Now, welcome back indeed. We finally settled in our new flat (since last January 28th), which is quite nice but not so pretty as it was our home in Cambridge: in particular, I'd like to have carpet. And it sounds incredible, as usually italians do not like it, but I think my rooms may be more confortable and cosy with carpets. Anyway, the flat is almost furnished, we need just a little sideboard in the kitchen and a cupboard in the hall. And, of course, something to personalize the hall. But I think by the next March everything will be perfect!

I have arrange every room with different colours: the Bathroom in blue (and it's really lovely. Also, it has access to a little terrace in wich I keep my flowers), the Bedroom is red and brown (quite serious actually), the Living Room is green (peaceful) and the Kitchen is red/orance (they are colours that remind me to sweet countryside). I'm proud of this colours: they're a good team.

We are now trying to come back to our previous habits and so we have started again with our books on the bedside tables, with our TV series (we are now on the second season of "The Tudors", which I love for it describes quite honestly that piece of english hystory), with my husband playing the piano, etc. But, of course, we miss our daily trips to London.... 

I find really difficult to reconcile my job with my duties at home: I like to have a clean and tidy flat and I like to cook (with not so wonderful results, but I do my best); the only problem is that I cannot find the time to arrange everything. So, in these last days I've been frequently nervous. I'm still looking for a solution! Also, I would like to have a walk around my home to discover all the shops and markets.

Anyway, to have my home again, with my husband obviously, is great. I'm glad.

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