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Let Me Introduce Myself...

  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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4863762118_fca2c37df8_z.jpg "The Tailor of Gloucester" was written in 1901 by Beatrix Potter. It is based on a true story which tells about a tailor who lived in Gloucester and was working on a coat; one evening, he went home and left the pieces of the coat to be sew in his shop. But the day after he found the coat unexplainably assembled!

Actually, there was anything fantastic in this incident: the assistant of the tailor did sew the coat during the night... But Beatrix Potter, obviously, proposed a different version!

The Potter's tale tells about an old and poor tailor who lived with his cat Simpkin in College Court and worked in a very little one window shop in Westgate Street. Near Christmas day, he was commissioned to make a coat and a waistcoat as wedding dress for the Major of Gloucester, but unfortunatly he took a bad cold just before finishing his work.

And it was a pity, as the old tailor was very poor and in need of money!

But some little brown mice, who were quite good at sewing and had been rescued by the tailor from the cruelty of Simpkin, decided to help the old man with his work...


Today, in College Court there is a museum with shop entirely dedicated to Beatrix Potter world. I give you the link to its web-site, in case anyone of you would like to spend some of his time in such a curious place:



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