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  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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Last friday we had the father and the brother, with his girlfriend, of my husband for dinner. I would like to offer them something special but I'm not yet able to cook complicated dishes, so I chose a simple but always tasty Risotto with Mushrooms. I chose it because it's quick to prepare and also because everyone, at least generally, do like mushrooms!

I hadn't cook the risotto before so I would like to call my mother for some suggestions... but we hadn't the telephone at home yet (and, actually, we still don't have it). So I searched in one of my cooking books and found a recipe which seemed believeble.

Here it is! Cook the mushrooms in a pot with extra-virgin olive oil and garlic. If you use (as I did) deep-frozen mushrooms, you don't need to defrost them before cooking.

Reduce a shallot in small pieces and let them brown in another pot with extra-virgin olive oil. Add rice and toast it. Then add an half glass of white whine and cook on high fire untill the whine is completly evaporated.

 Add the water derived from mushrroms cooking and, if necessary, some vagetable stock to the rice and keep cooking for a time period that depends on the type of rice you use. During the last ten minuts, add the mushrooms themselves to the rice and keep cooking.

You may, at the end, add some butter to make the risotto more tasty.


Enjoy with a little of fresh parsley directly on the table!

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