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Let Me Introduce Myself...

  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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24 ottobre 2012 3 24 /10 /ottobre /2012 07:49

Good news in our family!


We took a little broun rabbit. I've never had a rabbit in my house, this is the very first time.

She is a female and she is so puffy and tender you can only love her. Bunnys like human company and they eat tons of carrots!

I wondered if lattuce was really soporific for them, so I tried to give some lattuce to the little bunny: she did not like it very much and, onestly, she didn't sleep more then usual.







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