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Let Me Introduce Myself...

  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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21 ottobre 2011 5 21 /10 /ottobre /2011 14:47
 I am sitting at my desk, working on some lectures I'm about to give the next week, and feeling incredibly calm. Actually this is not really "my desk", to be honest: I am in the library of my working place, but since in the last days I have always been here, I really could name this my own place and my own desk!
Anyway, I was saying I feel extremely comfortable. Only last night I was anxious about these lectures and about how much I must study for them, but this morning I was quite productive and my sense of guilt disappeared, at least for today.
So, I'm rewarding myself with a little break (I'd like to point out that I had no lunch to continue working and now I really need a break) during which I want to update the situation of our "coming soon car".
Why am I calling it this way? Because we have been waiting for this car for a month! We went to buy a second hand car about five weeks ago and it seemed to be quite easy to have the car very soon. But... we were wrong, indeed.
And I know I said in the past that I wasn't sure about the real necessity of buying a car. But since we decided to take it, I went in a mood of "Ok: we'll have a car, we’ll spend a lot of our money, but in return we will have a new comfort!”.  And now it's time to enjoy this new comfort, I think!
In any case, yesterday we got in touch with the seller and we arranged an appointment for this evening! I'm excited: this is my first own car.
Since it’s a second hand car, we must accept it the way it is; for example we couldn’t choose the colour. So the car is yellow, and we didn’t like it very much at the beginning. But now I think it doesn’t matter: what is really important is that it works and I suppose it will, since it is quite new despite its “second hand” state.
I’m curious and I really want to see it now.



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