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Let Me Introduce Myself...

  • : peter.in.wonderland.over-blog.it
  • : This is a space entirely dedicated to dreams and cats, fairy tales and fantasy, journeys and books.... in a word: my life. I like the sky in September, when fluffy cluods accentuate its colour and magnitude. I like the peacefulness of countryside, where everything goes slowly and life is quiet. I am in love with cats, for they are something perfect and extraordinary....
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27 settembre 2011 2 27 /09 /settembre /2011 22:26
It's been a long time since I went on my blog to write something new. I feel guilty! I must recognise that when I lived in UK I felt more and more inspired to write here...
But, anyway, here I am right now. I don't want to talk about problems or sadness, today.
So... big changes are going to happen in my life, I feel it. First of all, in my job.... which (I'm sorry to say it) should be changed as soon as possible. Not that I don't love it anymore, of course: I'm still sure it's the most noble job in this world. But now I'm bored and this fact is to be accepted.
Now, what should I do? No, the very question is: what would I really like to do???? Indeed, since I understand that probably I'll never make it in my field (and I'm giving it up) at this point I'd liketo have  a completly different job, something, for example, very creative and at the same time something that could give my the possibility to travel around the world, which is my passion.
I want save some free time for me, for my family, for the care of my home and my plants. And, why not, I'd love to have the possibility to work also from home and maybe from other countries.... It would be great!
Now I'm changing my mind and my expectation and what was absolutely important in the past, is now simply on the "to do list". I would like to live my life without wathcing at it running away from me every day because I'm too occupied to stop it.
This is crazy, I'm tired.
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